Principal Strategic Investments  · 

Optiver joins Pyth to stream prices to the blockchain

Optiver is pleased to announce we’re joining the Pyth network, the decentralized oracle solution providing real-time financial market data directly onto the blockchain.

As part of our commitment, we’ll publish prices in core U.S. equities and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that are available today on the Pyth network, such as AAPL, AMZN, and SPY. We’re also joining the Pyth Data Association to further engage with the community as the network continues to expand both globally and into instruments like options and ETFs.

At Optiver, we see huge potential for blockchain technology to complement existing financial markets. Pyth promises to bring premium data on-chain at sub-second intervals, allowing developers to integrate its feeds across decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and applications. Bringing greater efficiency and transparency to this next-generation technology fits with our 35+ year mission of improving the world’s financial markets.

“By participating in the Pyth Network we have a chance to support innovation in the space and work with the creators of tomorrow’s financial markets,” said Pat Cooney, chief technology officer at Optiver. “We also look forward to helping shape the direction of blockchain development on a network purpose built for the speed and throughput needs of modern financial markets.”

Optiver is actively partnering with entrepreneurs and founders shaping financial markets of the future. To learn more, please visit:

About Pyth: The Pyth Network is a specialized oracle solution for latency-sensitive financial data that is typically kept behind the “walled gardens’’ of centralized institutions. The Pyth network is focused on finding a new and inexpensive way to bring this unique data on-chain and aggregating it securely. For more information about the Pyth network, please visit

About Pyth Data Association: The Pyth Data Association was created in support of the Pyth network. The Pyth Data Association is overseen by a board of directors elected by members of the Pyth network.

Principal Strategic Investments

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