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  • Optiver Foundation

    Optiver Foundation Annual Report 2023: Creating Meaningful Impact

    The Optiver Foundation is proud to present its 2023 Annual Report, showcasing its dedication to fostering environmental sustainability and enhancing diversity through the power of science, technology, and education. This year, the Foundation has achieved significant milestones in its efforts to create a lasting, positive impact.

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  • Chess, Partnerships

    Q&A with Optiver Chess Team’s Eline Roebers

    At Optiver, chess is more than a game, it’s a reflection of the strategic, forward-thinking, and analytical mindset that's key to our success in trading, risk management and engineering. In December 2023, Optiver announced its partnership with chess International Master and current Dutch Women's Champion, Eline Roebers. This partnership marked the formation of the Optiver Chess Team, pairing Eline with Anish Giri, reflecting Optiver’s commitment to fostering greater representation and support for women in both chess and STEM fields. One month after the team was formed, Eline defied expectations during their performance at the Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2024, with a personal-best victory in Round 5 against top-seeded Hans Niemann—the highest-rated player she has defeated to date.

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  • Optiver's International Women's Day 2024

    International Women’s Day 2024

    In celebration of International Women’s Day, we hosted a variety of initiatives across our global offices this month, including speaker sessions featuring accomplished women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), charity events, as well as external partnerships to inspire conversations around gender equality.

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  • News, Partnerships

    Optiver leads at the 2024 Dutch Mathematical Olympiad for Businesses

    Building on last year's success, Optiver's teams once again showcased their exceptional mathematical skills at the 2024 Dutch Mathematical Olympiad for Businesses, securing the top two spots. The competition, hosted by Rabobank, attracted 69 participants from 23 companies, offering a platform for professionals to engage in high-level mathematical problem-solving.

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  • Chess, News, Partnerships

    Masters and Challengers: Anish and Eline take on Tata Steel Chess 2024

    The Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2024 in Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands, was significant for the Optiver Chess Team, featuring Anish Giri defending his Masters title and Eline Roebers competing in the Challengers. This represented a major step for Optiver, showcasing our commitment to nurturing chess talent at various levels of expertise. Anish Giri: The defending […]

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